Giancarlo Tosoni | Graphic Designer
9 October 2024
Design Dialogues: Join the Conversation

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Want to see more of my work and connect with me online? I'm active on several platforms, each with its own unique focus.

This website is home to my portfolio, where you can explore a curated selection of projects spanning freelance work and collaborations with studios like Univisual. I also share in-depth thoughts on design and branding in the "Journal" section, and offer a peek into my creative process through the "Gallery," a collection of sketches and visual explorations.

On Instagram, I provide a more visual and immediate look at my work. I often share works-in-progress, like my current series documenting the design of a new font. It's a great way to see my creative process unfold in real-time.

For a more professional perspective, connect with me on LinkedIn. I share articles and insights on design thinking, branding strategy, and the ever-evolving world of visual communication.

I invite you to explore these different facets of my online presence and join the conversation!

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Milan, Italy