Giancarlo Tosoni | Graphic Designer
Innovating Tradition

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Bonometti, a company specializing in products and design services for the hospitality, catering, and restaurant industry, sought a brand identity that embodied its unique philosophy: a family-centric approach combined with a dedication to business culture and continuous learning.

The project's core strategy was to visually represent the founder's vision of balancing tradition and innovation. This resulted in the creation of a custom typeface, “Bonometti Sans”, with a distinctive 20° slant opposite to a traditional italic. This unique design embodies the "Innovating Tradition" concept, showcasing a forward-thinking perspective while honoring heritage. The slanted typeface became the cornerstone of the brand's identity, consistently applied across all touchpoints, from physical touchpoints like stationery, catalogs and exhibition stands to its digital presence.

The distinctive typeface and cohesive brand identity have differentiated Bonometti in the highly competitive market, fostering stronger client relationships and enhancing brand perception. Alberto Bonometti, founder and managing director, states: «Our new brand identity perfectly reflects our commitment to both heritage and progress. It has strengthened our connection with existing clients and attracted new ones who appreciate our unique approach».

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Milan, Italy