Giancarlo Tosoni | Graphic Designer
10 June 2024
Revamping a Brand for Modern Relevance

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Ten years ago, I helped update the visual identity of an optical chain to align with the owners’ forward-looking approach. Recently, they contacted me to replace some damaged signs. I suggested it was a great opportunity to reflect on the progress made and revisit their strategy, as their target audience had shifted to younger, tech-savvy professionals willing to invest in high-quality, tailor-made products.

They accepted the idea, and we worked on updating the visual identity with a few design tweaks, including the overall graphic setup and the use of photographic images and colors. The key change was simplifying the name from “Ottica Renzo” to “Renzo,” a natural move since everyone was already referring to the store this way (“I need new eyeglasses, I am going to Renzo”). This aimed to boost engagement with the new target audience while moving towards a more boutique feel and, at the same time, maintain the brand's strong familiarity and high loyalty with existing customers.

Initially, this change met with some resistance from the owners, but during our brainstorming sessions, it became clear to them that strategic branding isn’t just about looks; it's about staying relevant with market trends and customer preferences. The slight adjustment in the name was perfect for enhancing recognition and positioning without drastic alterations.

For a detailed look at this project check out the full article.

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Milan, Italy